I-15 Preservation Backlog, Davis County UT
Standardized Slab Sizes Incorporated into Utah’s Pavement Preservation Program
Standardized Slab Sizes Incorporated into Utah’s Pavement Preservation Program
Contractor Averages Installing 10 Slabs per Nightly Five (5) Hour Closure
Precast Pavement Used to Repair Faulty Composite Pavement Section
Super-Slab® Used for Full Depth Repair
Commuter Traffic Keeps Flowing With Minimal Interruption During Six (6) Hour Nightly Closures
Super-Slab® Provides a Value Engineered Solution for Full Depth Repair and Restricted Lane Closures
Super-Slab® Incorporated into NJDOT Maintenance Program
Precast Pavement Provides a Cost Effective Maintenance Option
Super-Slab® Incorporated Light Weight Aggregate to Minimize Loading on Earth-Filled Arch Structures
Super-Slab® Exceeds ISTHA Approval Standards by Logging Greater Than 90% on FWD Load Transfer Efficiency Test